“Arihant is a home away from home, which maintains traditional values in a family atmosphere.”

Our institution offers an unparalleled blend of timeless customs and contemporary approaches, ensuring that we cater to the diverse educational requirements of our students and create an atmosphere that enriches their learning journey. Our dedicated staff provides exceptional pastoral care and support, making our school a comforting second home for all.

Immerse yourself in an extraordinary boarding school experience that combines the splendour of a castle with the intimacy of a loving home. Our comprehensive daily boarding program is meticulously crafted to cultivate a continuous learning experience, encompassing academics, extracurriculars, environmental initiatives, and community engagement. Rest assured, our separate boys and girls hostels prioritise impeccable hygiene standards and provide top-notch nutrition to ensure a nurturing environment for all our residents.


  • Punctuality and regularity in attendance are essential at all times.
  • Every student must endeavour to keep up the high standard and good reputation of the school by excelling in refined manners and deportment.
  • Medical leave shall be granted by the Director-Principal. On return to the school, the student must deposit with the school infirmary all supporting medical documents and medical certificates including prescriptions.
  • If a student continues to be absent for six days without any intimation to the principal of the school, his/her name shall be struck off from the school rolls.
  • Matters like bullying, harassing, ragging or hurting physically/mentally are dealt with seriously and disciplinary action is taken against the defaulter.
  • Destruction or damage to school / boarding house property due to breakage or graffiti shall lead to penalization.
  • Sound discipline creates the backbone of our Institute. Stealing, smoking, consuming drugs and alcohol and possession of objectionable and obscure material are offences that would lead to direct expulsion of the students from the school.
  • Must wear the school ID with official school ID sling in the school premises.
  • Once admitted as a boarder/ hostel, the student is not permitted to become a day scholar.
  • Director-Principal’s decision is final in all matters.
  • Students must not carry mobile phones, valuable articles or unnecessary cash to school.
  • Students and parents must not give any gift to any staff member on any occasion.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the class without the permission of the teacher.
  • While moving in between the classes in the corridors, students must move in such a way that no class is disturbed. Students must be orderly and quiet and not hurt anybody while using the staircase.
  • Transportation is compulsory. All safety norms must be followed while travelling in the school bus.
  • While writing any examination every scholar must do so with utmost honesty. Recourse to any use of unfair means shall be viewed seriously.
  • Parents need to understand that their frequent visits to school shall only disturb the schedule of the child and teachers. The best time to meet the teachers is at the beginning of the term and at the end of the term when all the teachers shall be available to meet the parents or during the parent-teacher meeting after each assessment Parents are not allowed to bring any eatables to school.
  • Parents/ Guardians are bound by school rules in all respects. These rules may shift occasionally. In all matters of dispute, the decision of the management remains binding on the Parents/Guardians.
  • Tuition fee, mess and transport fees shall be charged for all 12 months.
  • The student shall not be allowed to sit in the examination if all dues are not cleared.
  • Any kind of damage done to the school property including ink stains, writing on the wall, or breaking the furniture must be compensated by the parents in the form of a fine.
  • All students are expected to wear their complete uniforms during school hours and must observe proper grooming all the time. Remember that the students represent the school and the school uniform identifies the school. Uniforms shall only be worn as per the rules mentioned in the school Almanac.
  • Short shirts, tank tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps or any clothing that does not completely cover the back shoulders or mid-section of the body are not allowed. No tight, transparent, low-cut or short (6″above the knee) clothing.
  • Nose, eyebrow and lip piercing are not allowed. Tattooing is prohibited.
  • Fancy belts, rings, trinkets, make-up sets, nail polish and hair dyes shall be confiscated if brought to school.
  • After school hours, during the games/sports activity periods, students shall change into their sports outfit which is the recommended tracksuit.
  • Items of Jewellery like dangling earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings etc. are not allowed. A simple wristwatch is acceptable.
  • Colouring of hair and inappropriate hair styling are not permissible.
  • Hipster-style trousers are not allowed. Boys shall keep their hair cut short and tidy.

For more details visit our website: www.aisnahan.in


  • Ragging of any type is strictly prohibited. Any student involved in such activities shall be immediately suspended from the Institute for a specific period or expelled from the institution.
  • Students must occupy rooms specifically allotted to them. They are not allowed to change rooms except with the written permission of the Warden. However, students can pair up as per their choice within the first few days. They may contact their Hostel Warden for this purpose.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their rooms.
  • Complaints regarding the hostel must be given to the warden or hostel faculty advisor and in case of no redressal, the children can put their problems to the Director-Principal.
  • Fans & Lights must be turned off before leaving the rooms.
  • No electrical appliances are permitted in the rooms, apart from lights and fans.
  • Lights must be put off at 11.30 pm Students are expected to retire at this time.
  • Outing shall be on 1st and 3rd Sunday from 12:30pm-3:30pm. Every student must report on time.
  • Visitors’ timing :- 2nd & 4th Sunday from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
  • Visitors are not allowed in student’s rooms. All visits must take place in the Visitor’s room only.
  • Only the visitors authorised by the parents at the time of admission shall be permitted to meet the students.
  • Study hours shall be observed every day from 05:30 am-06:30 am except on Sunday & 08:30pm- 10:30pm except on Saturday.
  • Permission to leave shall be granted to students by the principal on receipt of a written request routed through the class teacher and giving at least 3 days’ notice. In case where emergency leave is needed, the Principal or Warden must be approached.
  • Whenever the students are leaving the hostel on vacation or on leave, they must get the gate pass from the warden of the hostel.
  • Mobile phones are not permitted in the hostel. Violation shall lead to confiscation and heavy penalties. In case of repetition, the school reserves the right to take any action including suspension.
  • The hostels must not cause any disturbance to the neighbouring people.
  • Cooking is not permitted in the rooms.
  • Each resident shall be held responsible for the care of hostel property such as room furniture provided for their use.
  • Residents are advised to keep any valuables or cash under lock and key and to lock their Almirah when it is not in use for which the hostel in charge or school authority shall not be responsible.
  • When there is a vacant seat in the dormitory/room, the duplicate key of the room must be deposited with the Warden of the block to facilitate allotment of the vacant seat to another student.
  • Pets of all kinds are prohibited inside the hostel. Feeding stray dogs or cats in the hostel premises is not permitted.
  • All hostel inmates must report any disciplinary matter or problems concerning them or their room-mate/ neighbour(s) coming to their notice to the Warden directly.
  • The entry of all males is strictly forbidden inside the girls hostel except on management official duty with valid reasons.
  • All maintenance complaints / requirements must be entered in the register available in the hostel.
  • No student must stay away from his/her room during the night except with prior written permission of the warden. Any student, who wishes to leave the campus temporarily or otherwise, must obtain the permission of the warden in writing.
  • Water is an essential but scarce commodity. All residents are requested to use water judiciously and preserve its Leakage etc. in the bathrooms and must be immediately reported to the warden.
  • Consuming alcohol, taking drugs, smoking, chewing Gutkhas and spitting on the walls & corridors are strictly prohibited in the hostels.
  • The school authorities reserve the right to enter and search residents’ rooms without notice but in their presence, in case of any violation of hostel rules.
  • Students shall have to strictly adhere to the rules & regulations of the hostel.

For more details visit our website: www.aisnahan.in



Arihant International School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, Affiliation No. 630340. The school is from Nursery to Class XII and offers all three streams – Science, Commerce and Humanities for Class XI and XII.


Registration forms are available at Arihant International School, Nahan. The registration form is priced at Rs1000/- and this registration amount is non-refundable and shall not guarantee admission.